Bread pudding. My family LOVES bread pudding, and this recipe is one that I have fine tuned to their taste. It's great for breakfast or dessert and. For this classic Bread Pudding, challah bread is soaked in a rich custard spiked with spiced rum and vanilla, and baked until golden.
In Canada they eat bread pudding with maple syrup. That's something we can definitely get on board with! It was first known as a "poor man's pudding" as it was made from stale leftover bread that was simply. Kamu dapat memasak Bread pudding dengan 12 bumbu dan 11 langkah langkah. Langsung saja cara memasak Bread pudding.
Bahan dan Bumbu Bread pudding
- Ini 4 lembar of roti tawar.
- Siapkan 1 butir of telur kocok lepas.
- Kamu perlu 200 ml of UHT plain.
- Kamu perlu 1 saset of SKM.
- Siapkan 3 sdm of gula pasir.
- Siapkan Sejumput of garam.
- Kamu perlu 2 sdm of margarin, cairkan.
- Ini of Topping:.
- Ini of Keju parut.
- Siapkan of Kacang almond.
- Kamu perlu of Mesis, bisa ganti kismis.
- Kamu perlu of Milo bubuk, bisa ganti cinnamon powder.
Bread pudding is a dessert born of desperation. What was once a way to use up leftover odds and ends of stale bread has turned into a sought-after comforting sweet. Bread pudding is a bread based dessert that is popular in many countries. Because bread pudding is so popular and versatile, every good cook will need a variety of recipes in their arsenal.
Bread pudding instruksi
- Robek2 roti tawar, masukan ke dalam alumunium cup ato loyang.
- Masak UHT, gula pasir, SKM dan garam dgn api sedang,.
- Masukan margarin cair, aduk rata, matikan kompor.
- Biarkan uap panas hilang, masukan telur kocok aduk rata.
- Siram diatas roti tawar, siram rata.
- Taruh topping.
- Panggang slama 30 menit ato sampe bagian atas pudding terlihat kuning kecoklatan.
- Angkat biarkan hingga suhu ruang, baru masukan kulkas.
- Bisa dimakan hangat2, bisa jg dingin, sesuai selera aja 😁.
- Selamat mencoba 😊.
- Foto diatas foto lama, dan ini kemarin aku buat lg tp pke loyang kue 😁.
This bread pudding recipe has been passed down three generations. I have included the brown sugar sauce and lemon sauce recipes to serve with this pudding. Pour bread mixture into prepared pan. It wasn't in my mother's rotation of recipes growing up, so the only other exposure I'd had to the dish was the occasional trip to a cafeteria-style restaurant with my. Brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg will fill your kitchen with sweet aromas and sweet memories of happy faces around your table.