Resep: Rahasia Bread puding with custard sauce

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Bread puding with custard sauce. Blend half-and-half, eggs, sugar, vanilla extract. Bread Pudding with Vanilla Bourbon Sauce - Homemade Bread Pudding Recipe! Rich chocolate filling and an orange-scented custard sauce take plain bread to new heights in this lovely combination of decadence and homey comfort.

Bread puding with custard sauce Fat-free ingredients, though not suitable for all baking recipes, work like a charm in this homey dessert. For sauce, combine the sugar, cornstarch and salt in a small heavy saucepan. Stir in milk and evaporated milk until smooth. Kamu dapat membuat Bread puding with custard sauce dengan 17 bumbu dan 4 langkah langkah. Dibawah ini cara memasak Bread puding with custard sauce.

Bahan dan Bumbu Bread puding with custard sauce

  1. Ini 4 lembar of roti tawar kupas(100 gr).
  2. Ini 3 of telur.
  3. Siapkan 60 gr of gula pasir.
  4. Ini 50 gr of butter elle & vire.
  5. Ini 1/2 buah of apel hijau.
  6. Ini 2 sdm of almond.
  7. Ini 2 sdm of raisin.
  8. Siapkan 200 cc of susu cair full cream.
  9. Kamu perlu 1/2 sdt of vanilli cair.
  10. Siapkan of Kayu manis bubuk untuk taburan.
  11. Kamu perlu of Bahan saus:.
  12. Kamu perlu 200 cc of susu cair full cream.
  13. Ini 1 sdt of maizena.
  14. Ini 2 1/2 sdm of gula.
  15. Ini 1/2 sdt of rhum.
  16. Kamu perlu 1/2 sdt of vanilla.
  17. Kamu perlu 1 of kuning telur.

Everyone loves bread but if you don't eat it fast enough, it get's stale. So what do you do with leftover bread? Just make bread pudding with caramel sauce. This video is powered by TryMasak.

Bread puding with custard sauce langkah demi langkah

  1. Sobek-sober roti dan atur di pyrex ataupun cetakan tahan panas. Atur juga irisan apel dan raisinnya. Sisihkan..
  2. 3 telur + gula di kocok ringan dengan wisk(me: kocokan mexer), kemudian campur dengan susu ultra hangat yg dah tercampur dengan butter. Aduk rata. Tuang di atas sobekan roti tadi.
  3. Tata almond diatasnya. Tabur kayu manis bubuk. Dan panggang hingga kecoklatan. Kurang lebih 45 menit..
  4. Saos nya: campur smua bahan saus jd satu.. aduk rata diatas api hingga meletup-letup dan kental. Sajikan dengan saos nya.

This bread pudding recipe tastes like a classic egg custard with dense, satisfying bread pudding texture. Add some raisins to the mixture if you'd For a tempting dessert sauce, consider this vanilla sauce, this butterscotch sauce, or a brown sugar pecan sauce. In a medium saucepan, heat cream and milk over medium heat until bubbles form around the edge. Nutrition facts are for bread pudding without sauce. A pan of warm bread pudding transforms day-old bread -- plus eggs and cream -- into an indulgence.